Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) Process

Recognition of prior learning (RPL) is a process for giving candidates credit for skills and knowledge you may have gained through work experience or life experience.
By applying for RPL, you might be able to gain a qualification, or part of a qualification without further study. The key component of RPL is to provide as much evidence as you can to demonstrate your skills and knowledge.
How do I apply for RPL or Credit Transfer?
Browse through the list of KPS qualifications available and consider which ones are best matched to your employment experience.
Complete a request for assessment form.
Submit the request for assessment form and your CV.
A qualified KPS assessor will the start the assessment process. The assessor will contact the candidate and discuss the evidence required to support the RPL assessment that shows you have the relevant skills and knowledge. We will reply within 10 working days of us receiving your request for assessment and advise if you may be eligible for full or partial RPL.
KPS trainers and assessors will conduct further assessment against the selected qualifications using the evidence you have provided. Our assessment team may require further evidence, or to speak with you directly.
Once the assessment is complete, you will be notified in writing of the outcome. The assessment outcomes may reflect any of the following:
- Full RPL for one or more qualifications
- Partial RPL for one or more qualifications with further evidence required
- Partial RPL for one or more qualifications with further competency testing required
- Partial RPL for one or more qualifications with recommended study options
- No RPL for any qualifications with recommended study options
Depending upon the outcome of the RPL assessment, you may then have the following options:
- Proceed to the award of one or more qualifications if you have full RPL. *
- Provide further evidence or undertake further assessment / testing if required *
- Commence a study pathway *
- Do not proceed any further
* fees payable for these options
If your RPL assessment is successful and you wish to proceed to the ‘award of qualification/s’ stage, an enrolment form and invoice will be sent to you. Final payment of the invoice must be received prior to issuing your qualification.