Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL)

Request RPL assessment

Making an application for RPL or credit transfer requires time and work from both the candidate and KPS

So to assist us at the initial stage we ask that you complete the form, selecting areas in which you think you already have skills and experience, and upload a current CV.

Please fill in your contact information

This will enable us to investigate which qualifications best suit your skills, knowledge and experience.

Alternatively, contact us via email and we will forward an RPL kit to you.

    Have you ever been assessed for RPL by KPS?

    In which areas are your applying for RPL? You may choose more than one.

    What evidence will you provide in support of your application?

    Upload your CV so that we can assess your skills and experience:
    Allowed file types: .pdf, .doc and .docx

    RPL Assessment Terms and Conditions

    I understand that the assessment for recognition of prior learning is conducted in accordance with the requirements of ASQA as per the Standards for NVR Registered Training Organisations. I understand that KPS & Associates Pty Ltd will assess my prior workplace knowledge, skills and learning against the criteria for the qualification I am seeking and they can rely only on the evidence I will provide. I understand that KPS & Associates Pty Ltd will treat my evidence as confidential.

    IMPORTANT: I understand that by completing this KPS Request for RPL Assessment form and participating in the KPS RPL Assessment process does not guarantee an 'award of qualification' and if any SKILL GAPS are identified I will be offered the opportunity to enrol into a KPS program to complete any study required. I understand that this offer of study is not mandatory.