About KPS & Associates

KPS & Associates is committed to providing quality advice, guidance and training at a very competitive price. We achieve this by working together with a wide variety of industry experts from both government and business sectors to deliver services that are contemporary, practical, easy to understand and reflect ‘good practice’.
To discuss your requirements Call us today on 1300 001 577 to discuss your requirements or email us at info@kpstraining.edu.au and find out how we can help you.
So why choose KPS & Associates?
Expert facilitators All of our qualified facilitators and consultants are expert practitioners in their field. They are drawn from senior positions in government, law enforcement and private enterprise and have worked together for many years providing first class delivery of courses Australia wide. KPS facilitators use their expertise to provide instruction on good practice and explain how to adapt the skills you learn to your workplace.
Extensive industry experience KPS & Associates has a number of long standing partnerships with industry and our trainers remain active in their respective fields. Our trainers and consultants know the issues you face and will work with you to ensure that you have the advice, skills and support to achieve your goals.
National coverage As an Australian based merchant KPS training courses and consulting services can be delivered nationally, when and where you need it. Training is delivered at one of our first-rate venues throughout Australia or where numbers warrant, we can deliver our training in-house. Our public training courses are delivered in all major cities and regional centres.
Relevance and flexibility KPS works with your business to identify your requirements, minimise costs and provide ongoing support. All in-house courses use simulated investigations based on offences you investigate in your workplace, using your forms, your culture and values, your legislation and your policies. Don’t undertake generic training courses where you are told to investigate the way the instructor does.
Trust We pride ourselves on building long-term relationships with our clients. A vast majority of our work is generated by referral and repeat business from satisfied clients.
Adaptability For students already working in fields related to their chosen qualification we offer the choice to complete work based logbooks instead of scenario based assignments and projects. This means you can progress towards completing your qualification just by doing your job.
Engaging training programs Our courses and workshops are very interactive and delivered in a relaxed and enjoyable manner. Our clients are encouraged to bring their own experiences into the training. We have the flexibility and expertise to deliver exactly what you need at a time and place convenient to you.
Support We provide ongoing support services including after-hours access to trainers via our online student portal messaging system, telephone or email and by appointment via Skype.